“When you eliminate the impossible,  whatever remains (however improbable) must be the truth”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Investigations are about systematically examining the available information, identifying the facts about something complex or hidden leading to an outcome that will help discover who or what caused it or how it happened.

Within the private investigation sector, there have been occasions where opportunists masquerading as investigators have scammed members of the public and with that in mind, we pose the question, “Why BLD Investigations services?”

We are all former law enforcement investigators who, to this day, continue to provide specialist support back into policing, from discreet covert deployments through to embedding into a team for major enquiries.

At BLD, we operate using simplistic principles of investigation:


We actively seek to engage with clients to ensure that their perception and understanding of what they think they want is, in reality, what is needed.

Identifying the subject of the investigation, the motives for initiating an investigation and the immediate challenges presented.

We will be open and transparent and not over-promise as we aim to get to a position where clients have trust and confidence in BLD.


We will advise on the options available to our clients based around your specifics such as, priorities, timescales and practicalities.

We make sure that clients are aware of any alternative options that may be suitable for what they seek to achieve given timescale and budget considerations.


We utilise our own resources with backgrounds in policing, military, National Crime Agency and private sector to meet the needs of the client and aim to apply a standard of investigation that proves robust within the relevant justice system.

Our investigations follow a system that incorporates the following elements:

digital forensics examining evidence

Immediate Action…

…around the preservation of any perishable evidence that could be lost if we do not act. What can we achieve now?

Investigator interview

Planning and Strategy…

…outlining our commitment to our client and clearly defining the key questions that need answering.

We explain realistic expectations around the capabilities available and that are in line with lawful practices.

cybersecurity keyboard

Data Collection…

…with regard to source material that we need access to such as documents, devices, key identifiers relating to those involved and any technical evidence.

Data analysis

Data Analysis…

…will focus on the sequence of events and contextualising based around the established facts and weighing them up against the key questions posed.

We will also be looking for any previous mistakes or failures within a system that may be the root cause. This will enable us to identify future risks that could lead to a repeat situation. It is about mitigating those issues at the earliest opportunity.

Data reporting


…findings to the client using either a written or digital presentation with a detailed rationale about what has been identified along with a pathway for progression through other mechanisms, if required, such as pursuing through criminal or civil courts or a governing body.

Data collection


We will take the facts that are established during an investigation to feedback into clients.

This will help educate them and minimise re-occurrences of the same situation, if appropriate.

We can also provide the added benefit of our extensive education programme.

This can support a client’s own internal teams to enable them to undertake some of this type of work providing a return on investment in the medium to long term.


Office door security id card scan
Director Dispute

A discreet request made to BLD by a business director, concerned that a fellow director with responsibility for the companies IT had fabricated evidence which misdirected blame for the misappropriation of funds.

Investigators covertly examined the entry logs of the building and security logs of the IT system and were able to prove that the dishonest director had entered the building at a time no one else was present. He logged into his own computer and then remotely logged into a member of the accounts teams computer.

Whilst digitally purporting to be an honest member of the accounts team he dishonesty diverted funds.

He not only misappropriated company funds, he had treated the good reputation of his employee as mere collateral damage.

Secret phone recordingDefence Examination

A workers’ union contacted BLD to investigate an racially aggravated allegation that an employee had dishonestly recorded co-workers. Their initial investigation looked very much like this could not have been a random act, such as had been claimed by the employee.

Investigators looked at app data on the recording device, a modern mobile phone, and were able to use metadata to establish a timeline to indicate where the suspect had been and at what times. This completely supported his own seemingly implausible defensive claims.

The employer dropped the case against him and his good standing amongst colleagues was re-estabished.


We have dedicated investigation experience across multiple disciplines, with a unique and un-paralleled skill of taking the complex and making it simple. We will not use overly technical jargon and you will know exactly what is being done and what you are getting from us.

✓ Crime
✓ Civil Defence
✓ Director Disputes
✓ Employment
✓ Human Resource Investigation (HR)
✓ Insurance
✓ Professional Standards
✓ Private Investigation

✓ Fraud
✓ Economic Crime
✓ Cryptocurrency
✓ Cryptocurrency Analytics
✓ Digital Strategy
✓ Digital Media Investigation
✓ Call Data Analytics
✓ Digital Forensics
✓ Forensic Data Recovery

✓ Mobile Phone Forensics
✓ Computer Forensics
✓ Tablet Forensics
✓ Drone Flight Forensics
✓ Marine Forensics
✓ Cyber Crime
✓ Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
✓ Analytics
✓ Surveillance

Cryptocurrency Bitcoin


We have a leading cryptocurrency investigator, who has a background in police cybercrime investigation and has developed the world’s only City & Guilds Assured cryptocurrency investigation training course.  Where cryptocurrency is a feature of an investigation, we can offer unparalleled insight and advice, including:

  • trace cryptocurrency through blockchain to potentially identify users;
  • advice on the recovery of lost or stolen cryptocurrency;
  • secure storage of cryptocurrency in cold storage wallets;
  • safe and covert acquisition of cryptocurrency for discreet commercial purposes;
  • review of cryptocurrency evidence in legal case papers.
Digital Investigation

Digital Forensics

BLD Investigations is also supported by our digital investigation specialists, who have backgrounds in military and law enforcement. Amongst many other specialist qualifications we are proud that a member of the team boasts an MSc in Forensic Computing & Cyber-Crime Investigation. Where digital evidence is a feature of the investigation, we offer:

  • Acquisition of data from devices by proven forensics techniques;
  • Analysis and interpretation of digital data;
  • Specialist mobile-phone acquisition;
  • On-site investigative support.

We Train Investigators

Whether it’s a law enforcement, financial sector or private sector course you’re looking for we train digital investigation skills every day across a wide range of general or specialist topics.

“That’s why investigations are so important, to drill down and to connect those dots and to get the facts.  What we have is a lot of smoke that causes us to want to know more about what has happened.”

Maxine Waters – US Politician

BLD Investigations
can help you.