
Product Information
c2share is a digital evidence management application configured to support file-sharing and tip line use cases.
- Upload components: contact information, location, note, files.
- Upload any file type: video, audio, images, documents, applications, binaries.
- Unlimited upload portals: standing, per-event, private sites. Share QR code or URL.
- Anonymous uploads: Personal information not required to upload, sender’s IP address not stored.
- Customizable upload portals : Banner, logo, instructions, emergency message, on/off upload components, CSS style sheet.
- Embedded upload portals: Integrate into existing websites and apps.
- Flexible deployments: SaaS, SaaS with bring-your-own storage, customer-hosted. Set primary, backup, and DMZ storage locations.
- Multiple user types: Full administrative control to view-only.
- Non-disruptive: Stand-alone or integrate with existing ways of working.
- Activity log: Operational transparency, chain of custody, easy export, easy search, over 100 actions logged.
- Sharing: Export single items, whole uploads, share with system users, export to other users, no content silos.
- Triage: Identify most relevant items first, reduce time-to-evidence, reduce time-to-share.
- Encryption: In-transit (TLS 1.3) and at-rest (NIST 800-53, FIPS 140-2).
- Hashing: Multiple hashing of uploaded items (patent pending). Currently SHA3-256.
- Security/CJIS controls: Timeout after inactivity, lockout after unsuccessful logins, password length, mandatory password reset, least privileged access.

Use Cases
Some of the use cases for c2share:
- Law Enforcement: Lightweight DEMS or case management system, tip line, sharing with agencies, fusion centers, task forces, prosecutors.
- Casinos, Retailers, Convenience Stores/Gas Stations, Hotels, Property Owners: Consistent and secure handling of digital evidence internally and externally.
- Corporate Legal/Security/Compliance: Confidential reporting and file sharing internal and external to an organisation.
- NGO/Not-for-Profit: Communicate with individuals or communities in difficult or contested environments.
Communities: Citizens and businesses working with public safety to keep an area safe.